
Több mint 20 év a megrendelők által elismert színvonalon a tolmácsolás és fordítás világában.


Csak a kiváló minőségben nyújtott szolgáltatás elfogadható, úgy hogy az hozzáadott értéket is hordozzon.


A fordítási határidők betartása, a tolmácsolásra a pontos érkezés 100%-ban teljesül.


A megrendelő, az ügyfél sokszor gyorsan változó igényei azonnal és teljes körűen teljesülnek.


  • Simultaneous
  • Consecutive
  • Court
  • Whispered
  • Over-the-Phone


  • Specialized translation
  • Copywriting


  • Stylistic editing
  • Copy-editing

ESZTER LELIK interpreter and translator

I am a Budapest based freelance interpreter with over 25 years of experience, interpreting and translating in Hungarian, English and German for the private sector, governments and leading international organizations.

Key  qualifications: Master of Conference Interpreting, Certified Translator, Graduate of SCIC (Language Services of the European Union) .

Fields of expertise

  • EU
  • Law
  • Enforcement
  • Courtroom
  • Legal
  • Migration
  • Medical
  • Dentistry
  • Audit
  • Finance
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Simultaneous interpreting

In simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter renders the message in the target-language as quickly as he or she can formulate it from the source language, while the source-language speaker continuously speaks; sitting in a sound-proof booth, the SI interpreter speaks into a microphone, while clearly seeing and hearing the source-language speaker via earphones. The simultaneous interpretation is rendered to the target-language listeners via their earphones.

Consecutive interpreting

In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter speaks after the source-language speaker has finished speaking. The speech is divided into segments, and CI interpreter sits or stands beside the source-language speaker, listening and taking notes as the speaker progresses through the message. When the speaker pauses or finishes speaking, the interpreter then renders the entire message in the target language.

Court interpreting

In court interpreting the interpreter  helps attorneys and judges communicate with people who are not able to speak Hungarian, or the language of the court.  Interpreters are needed in numerous legal situations, including meetings between clients and lawyers, depositions, hearings and arraignments. The role of a court interpreter requires to be familiar with legal terminology and procedures and the particulars of the specific case. Court interpreters usually work alone when interpreting consecutively, or as a team, when interpreting simultaneously.

Whispered interpreting

In whispered interpreting (chuchotage, in French), the interpreter sits or stands next to the small target-language audience whilst whispering a simultaneous interpretation of the matter to hand; this method requires no equipment. Chuchotage is used in circumstances where the majority of a group speaks the source language, and a minority (ideally no more than three persons) do not speak it.

Please note, that despite being used interchangeably, interpretation and translation are not synonymous, but refer, respectively, to the spoken and written transference of meaning between two languages.

Translation is the action of interpretation of the meaning of a text, and subsequent production of an equivalent text, also called a translation, that communicates the same message in another language. The text to be translated is called the “source text”, and the language it is to be translated into is called the “target language”; the final product is sometimes called the “target text.”

Proofreading means  to look over a piece of writing for errors, watching out for spelling mistakes and grammar problems.

It’s the very last step of the writing process after drafting, editing, and revising. To proofread is to look at the little details of a piece of writing, such as spelling, word choice, formatting, and sentence structure.  The proof-reader looks for errors and fix them.

The equipment required for simultaneous interpreting includes interpretation booths (one per output language), interpreter consoles, mixer, transmission system, headset receivers for participants and interpreters, microphones for interpreters and for participants.

Tour guide system is a wireless and portable radio system used to transmit an audio message from a presenter to listeners. A tour guide system consists of a microphone/transmitter for the presenter and receivers with earphones for the audience.

Tour guide systems are used when simultaneous interpretation is needed but for various reasons (lack of room, financial constraints, low number of participants, etc.) the client decides to use this method.


All fee structures have the following common attributes:

  • Competitively priced
  • No hidden charges
  • No VAT is charged

References >>>

Request for Offer

Phone: +36 30 94 97 999

Interpreting fee structures vary based on the following factors:

  • Type of interpreting services required
  • Nature of the assignment
  • Location
  • Duration

Simply request a quote or contact me with your specific needs. I will be pleased to provide details regarding the applicable fee structure.

References >>>

Request for Offer

Phone: +36 30 94 97 999

Fees of written translation

are calculated on a per-project basis and vary based upon a number of factors including language, complexity, length of text, required turnaround times, file format, layout. Simply send me your next project, together with any available reference materials and glossaries, and I will be pleased to provide an estimate at no charge.

References >>>

Request for Offer

Phone: +36 30 94 97 999

Satisfied customers

British Council
British Embassy, Budapest
Civil Service College, UK
Credit Suisse
Delegation of the European Union to Hungary
Embassy of the Netherlands, Budapest
European Commission Representation in Hungary
The Heritage Foundation for Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries – HFPJC/Avoyseinu, USA

Government Control Office, Hungary
International Labour Organization (ILO)

International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
Ministry of the Interior, Hungary
MTV, Hungarian Public Television
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)

Prime Minister’s Office, Hungary
US Embassy, Budapest
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Civil Service College, UK
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
National School of Government, UK
Department for International Development, UK
NOKIA Hungary
Pioneer Hi-Bred Magyarország Kft.
B.Braun Medical Kft.
3M Unitek, Hungary

National POlice, Hungary


Useful information


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Milyen tolmácsot rendeljek?

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Contact us



+ 36 30 94 97 999

+ 36 1 39 44 566


1025 Budapest, Napvirág u. 6/a

Register number:
01 06 788895

Tax number:



+ 36 30 94 97 999

Experience, Quality,
Reliability, Flexibility
If you did not find the answer on my website, I would be happy to answer your questions and I will be happy to help.
Ajánlatot kérek
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